According to the Yale Daily News , this freak of an art major named Aliza Shvarts' idea of a senior art project was to artificially inseminate herself and then use herbal "abortifaciant" medications to induce miscarriages. She allegedly did this for a period of 9 months, recording these abortions, and will be displaying not only the videos of the miscarriages, but the blood will be displayed as well. Am I the only one who gets chills even reading about this? So wrong and evil!
However, the plot thickens, as THIS article from calls the entire scheme a hoax, claiming this girl is pulling the wool over the eyes of not only the public, her school's newspaper, but her professors as well! The author insists that miscarriages are not only physically painful, but emotionally painful, and the "abortifaciants" that she is using are extremely detrimental to a woman's health, especially considering she did not once consult a doctor. First, I really hope that this really is a hoax, because to repeatedly kill feti (fetuses?) for some stupid art project is not only disgusting, but completely degenerative. I am no right winger, but this is unacceptable behavior from anyone. I don't know how you could be proud and totally desensitized to even make up a project like this. Whether it is fake or real, it's so so sick.
Moreover, it's really sad that students have to resort to this kind of sensationalism to get their name out there. She's probably hoping that she will be canonized for this stunt, and sadly, she probably will be. There's so much competition in these schools for students to stand out that she has to scream "freak" like this.
This is so disturbing that I don't even know what to say about it. It really makes me sad that people don't value the quality of life, even if it is a little fetus, which is still a child of God.
A miscarriage is no picnic physically and emotionally and I wouldn't wish one on anyone - this utterly repulses me.
Oh man! I have no words... (shiver)
That disgusts me.
After much research and analysis, I've concluded that this individual is pro choice.
Along the same lines of insanity, did you hear about this "art" student?
yes i totally heard about that one which is so gross too! i don't know how that is legal b/c it was in public either, but eww so glad i wasn't there to witness it, haha.
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