Thursday, February 4, 2010


So of course there's been this doppleganger theme on facebook for the past week. Fun, I guess. Though I agree that a lot of people are flattering themselves a little too much. No, you don't look like Megan Fox or Brad Pitt, sorry!! Be more like Trent, whose doppleganger is Alfred E. Newman.

A few years ago, I often got told I looked like Lisa-Marie Presley. I have no idea why I got this comparison but I got it a TON- in the grocery store, from guests at my hotel, etc. All the time. I was guessing it might have been my hair at the time (no bangs, some highlights, etc), because I haven't heard that for at least 2, maybe 3 years. Lately though, I've been growing my hair out, including my bangs, which are long enough for me to pin back. So today, an agent we visited asked, "how many times a day do you get told you look like Lisa Marie Presley?" I laughed and told her that we were just talking about this, how I hadn't been told that in years. So, I guess it IS about the hair!

What do you think, do I look like Lisa Marie Presley? :)


Jules AF said...

I have NEVER noticed that!
BTW, your comment made me DIE laughing. Thank you.

Jules AF said...

Today's comment. Goodness, I don't make sense.

Ball$ said...

I've never thought you looked like her. Plus you were never married to Michael Jackson so....